A variety of items designed by Eric Cobb Architects, and featured in the spring 2014 issue of Luxe pacific northwest magazine.
Artwork by Sarah Himmelfarb.
The console table sits behind the sofa in the family room. It was built using 3/8″ hot rolled steel plate, gently sanded to remove excess scale, then oiled, and waxed. The table measures almost 10′ in length and had to be built in two pieces for logistic reasons. Overall weight of this piece before wood was 710lbs.
The “TV stick” rotates left or right allowing the homeowner to move the TV angle left or right as desired. A hidden stop was incorporated in the lower bearing assembly to prevent the TV from hitting the concrete columns on each side. The stick itself was made from 3″ OD with 3/8″ wall steel tubing which was blackened, oiled, and waxed.
The Fireplace surround is mounted to a corner which allows viewing from both walls. Made from 3/16″ hot rolled plate with an exposed seam on one face. All fasteners are hidden leaving a clean look.
Column wraps positioned in several locations. Made from 16ga hot roll steel with oil and wax finish.
Display case cladding. Also made from 16ga hot roll steel with oil and wax finish.
Entry bench made from two pieces of formed 3/8″ plate and keeps the same consistent oil/wax finish. Measuring 1′ 5″ in height it is perfect for putting on or taking off shoes. We liked this one so much we made a second one for the shop!.
Niche bench also made from 3/8″ plate. Made from two pieces with a mitered joint. Oil and wax finish.
On site blackening of copper plumbing. In many locations these pipes run from floor to ceiling. They were darkened to match as close as possible with the steel in the house.